Dance with the wind🌬

What a wonderful thing it is to love yourself naturally in a world of fake appearances🎀

She was like the sun, 
She knew her place in the world – 
She would shine again regardless of all the storms and changeable weather 
She wouldn’t adjust her purpose, for things that pass.
-Nikki Rowe

I was lieing to myself when I thought I was lost, I have never been lost – I just wasn’t ready to be found. My whole life growing up, I pretended to be someone who I thought wasn’t me. But thinking on it today, that was me. Just a different part of me. Yes, I am different today than I was but that just means I’m growing into someone I never knew I was.

The Earth, the sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers are wonderful things and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. There’s no better way to learn to love nature than to study it, and let nature take you over. Dance with the wind, sing with the birds.

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