My perfect imperfections✨

My perfect imperfections✨

Don’t forget to like/subscribe and comment a yellow heart to notify yourself that you’re not going to have a fear of being yourself anymore, that you won’t let your flaws take over your life✨💛

Minimalist Living: Part 2✨
Minimizing Part 1✨
Living minimally✨

Living minimally✨

I just want to thank you for being here! I want you to join me in minimizing my closet 😌 There is going to be part 1 and 2 coming soon so please subscribe and…

Live your life healthy🍇
5 steps to motivation✨🌿
Dying my  hair/motivation

Dying my hair/motivation

So, pretty much I just wanted to dye my hair to its most natural state. I want to embrace my natural beauty. Less make-up is better and less products are even better and it’s always…

A little of fun🎭🎬


Self-care is an important topic that most people do not spend enough time thinking about. Taking care of yourself can award us with several health benefits, including improving our immunity, increasing our positive thinking and…